Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meowther's Day

Okay, that pun was awful.

I'm sorry.

But hey, Happy Mother's Day! If you are a mother, or you have a mother. Or you like mothers. I hope you're having a good day, full of love, cards, and food. Isn't that what these commercialized holidays are all about?

My mama flew away to Italy on Friday, because she's fancy like that. Which means, alas, I will be without our daily phone calls for two whole weeks. I kind of don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

I may be a little co-dependent.

Anyway, the only Mother's Day celebrating I'll be doing is with my Mr. Tree, who sent me this oh so sweet card last week:

Funny, the handwriting looks kind of like my mom's.

1 comment:

  1. The card from Bentley is seriously so freaking awesome. Your mom is pretty cool :)
