1) Go to yoga. (Friday, then on rest per my tattoo artist.)
2) Keep reading. (Yup!)
3) Eat well. (Yup!)
4) Have fun. (Yup!)
5) Get my tattooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (YUP!)
This is when I would usually list my goals for the upcoming week, but I've decided to change up my methods. Clearly, making a bunch of explicit goals isn't really working for me, so I'm going to shift. What's the definition of insanity again? I still like the idea of having specific things that I focus on every week, but that doesn't mean I have to demand anything exact of myself. To quote my Biff yet again, I'm going to switch over to the phrasing "this week I would like to...", because "we don't always get to do what we'd like, that's a fact of life", so there's "no sense of failure there, 'cause [I] didn't 'have to'".
Isn't she smart?
This week I would like to...
...restart my yoga practice.
...read my yoga book and some fiction.
...try to keep my apartment clean.
...spend my weekend time well.
I lovvvvvvvvvvve your new wording!!! Keep up all the awesomeness!!!