I mean, really hated it. One reason is that I have always felt like I sweat more than I should to be considered pretty and girly and delicate. And all the sweat was on my face where everyone could see it and know that I was fat and out of shape, in case they couldn't see that already.
And sweat makes me sticky.
And sweat is gross.
If you wear any. Which I don't.
Anywho. Sweat. I miss it. I miss my sweat. It's only been four days without class, I've certainly gone much longer and very recently, too, but not because I wasn't allowed, because I didn't want to.
I'm not allowed. AND I WANT TO GO.
I think I'm getting better. My wheeze is less wheezy, my cough less...moist. (You're welcome.)
I should be back in the studio soon, restarting my 10 Day Challenge.
I <3 hot yoga!!!!!