Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Holiday Spirit

Oh, it's not December yet, you say?


I didn't have much of the holiday spirit last year, sadly. And Christmas is my favorite. I wasn't quite sure why, it was as wonderful a holiday as any (expect no less when my mother is in charge), but I just didn't feel that magical wintertime frisson. It was all a bit blah. I think I have figured it out, though: I didn't decorate our family tree last year, and clearly, that is the activity that flips the Jolly Santa portion of my brain.

And it is flipped. I've started decorating my apartment (pictures to come soon!), and am listening to Christmas music. I feel all warm and fuzzy. I can feel myself being nicer to strangers. It's magical!

PSA: Don't ever try to drink champagne out of a bottle
My mom and I participated in one of our new favorite holiday traditions last night, the Nordstrom Private Shopping Night. This is our...third or fourth time? The store closes to all the little people, and unless you have a card with them and your name on a list, you can't get in. My mom has a card, I don't, obviously, because I'm poor. Mama drove all the way down to LA and we went to the Westside Pavilion near me for their event. Sparkly lights and trees and red everywhere. Bow-tied servers with tasty appetizers. Cookies. Champagne. They had an awesome violin player playing with a DJ, and he was an adorable piece of jailbait. I mean, maybe he was legal, but I felt inappropriate perving on him, so regardless, he was an infant. My mom and I both got some Christmas shopping done, which was the goal of the evening. I figure you found a good present for someone if you would prefer to keep it for yourself, so I hope my sis likes part of her gift. I also made sure to point out a million different things to my mother with commentary along the lines of "you can buy me that." The holiday spirit is about giving and taking, yes? Yes.

When I got home from our excursion, I turned on all my freshly hung colorful lights and crawled into bed, completely giddy and feeling festive. I just...fucking love Christmas.

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