Saturday, November 24, 2012

Beach Walk Beauty

Whenever I get stuck in the cycle of criticizing myself for not making more progress, or for backsliding, or for not doing the things I think I should be doing, I just need to remind myself of this: I have changed. I have come a seriously long way.

As evidenced by the fact that I went on a long beach walk yesterday with my parents, did not complain, did not try to find an excuse to avoid exercising, and did not die when we had to climb the hills back up to the house.


The day was insanely beautiful, in a very strange way. Usually Santa Barbara is wrapped in a blanket of fog in the mornings, but it burns off by the afternoon. Yesterday there was a thick layer of fog hanging just over the water all damn day. Check this out:

Thursday afternoon, playing with
 settings on my camera.
Friday afternoon, where did
the ocean go?

"Fog Rainbow"

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