Friday, March 1, 2013

WW Recap 2/22-2/28: Woo.


Non-Scale Victories: I'm back in my skinny jeans. I can actually see changes in my body when I look in the mirror. I am starting to feel confident again.
Scale Victory: -3.2 pounds! WHAT?!
Reward: Under 155 again, which is 5% lost from where I started post-hiatus, so I get a mani/pedi next week for my birthday trip to Vegas!


Oh yes! Next weekend, this will be me, with two of my favorite girls in the world, the Biff and the Married Lady, celebrating my quarter century birthday.

Goals for the week?

1) Go to yoga three times. (Yup! Cause I'm a yogi rock star! And two walks.)
2) Go to yoga at night. (Tuesday! And I remembered that I don't avoid going to yoga after work 'cause I'm lazy (though I am), but 'cause the parking situation is a NIGHTMARE, and because it gives me so much energy after and I can't get to sleep before 12. Note to self!)
3) Make a recipe. (Shrimp nuggets!)
4) Read a book. (No! Heh.)
5) Write some fiction. (Eh, a bit? I just don't have the creative juices. Blogging's where it's at!)

COULD I USE MORE !!!!!!!!!!?

Goals for this week! Which, by the way, ends with me leaving for motherfucking VEGAS for my motherfucking BIRTHDAY TRIP. IN CASE YOU FORGOT.

1) Go to yoga five times. (You heard me! I want to be feeling as amazing as possible for my trip, and nothing makes me feel as incredible as a string of sweaty hot hot yoga classes.)
2) Make a recipe.
3) Read a book.
4) Schedule blog posts for while I'm in Vegas so I'm technically posting every day till my bday.
5) Don't weigh myself every day.

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