Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Lazy Life

I have a confession.

For awhile, a long while, months while, I've been basically living in bed. Like, I get home from work, and I go straight to the comfort of my pillows. I watch TV from bed, I write from bed, I eat in bed...I'm there for hours every night, all day on weekends.

It's kind of awful.

No wonder I feel like such a lazy cow. Could it be because I am a lazy cow?

So I made a commitment to myself yesterday to stay out of my bed, for a number of reasons. It'll help me sleep better. It'll help me be more productive. And it'll certainly help me feel less like a sloth.

This weekend while I was making my quiche, I sat down at my kitchen table while it was baking and noticed that I actually have a very nice view there. So last night, I sat there, and I wrote. 

It was lovely.

Then I moved to my couch.

I did some dishes. Put away laundry.

Then to bed.


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