Monday, July 9, 2012

Visual Reminder

I know that I've lost 50 pounds.

I know that I've shrank in size.

But sometimes, I look in the mirror and I don't really see that much of a change.

The dozen or so compliments I received this weekend at the wedding really affirmed what I should already know: I look completely different.

Let's compare, shall we?

July 2011: 195ish
July 2012: 145ish

October 2011: 195ish
July 2012: 145ish
March 2012: 174
July 2012: 150
March 2010: 185ish
July 2011: 145ish


  1. I think you've always been a beautiful light, but let's face it- you are a glowing sunshine in those recent pictures. No one could deny it!

    1. <3 That is just about the best compliment I have ever received. Thank you!
