Thursday, August 1, 2013

Broken Record August

It's the first of the month! Fresh start! New beginnings! Blahblahblah ad nauseum!

You've heard it all before.

I didn't like what I saw on the scale this morning. I don't feel the need to share the number with you, suffice it to say it was more than it should be but less than it could have been. My formerly loose jeans are a big snug on me. I feel sluggish. My confidence is waning.

But it's the first of the month! Fresh start! New beginnings! And so on.

I started out last night thinking of the goals I wanted to set, the things I wanted to achieve, but I stopped myself. When am I going to learn that that never works? When am I going to learn that I rebel against that kind of rigidity? I don't need a list of weights and rewards, I don't need yoga challenges and weekly achievements.

I just need to tell myself this:

I feel better when I'm healthy. I feel empowered when I make the right choices for my body, mind and soul. I am happier when I'm in control.

I will get back to basics: I will track everything I eat according to Weight Watchers. I will go to yoga as much as I want, not forcing it, not resisting it, just embracing my practice. I will be gentle with myself.

And I will succeed.

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